
Antoinette M– had a grubby childhood in southern New Hampshire. She has always maintained that “cranky” and “yankee” rhyme for a reason. The cold bothers her very little, but she melts like an ice cream cone in the heat. She was a Girl Scout for many years and has developed an intense dislike of swimming in scummy ponds.

Then, being a teenager happened for a while.

After high school, she got her BS in Biochemistry. For a decade she trained in the fine arts of science. She can say things like matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrophotometer without batting an eye. The gods would kidnap her to decant their beers if they existed, and the muses weep at her fine-motor skills (they kindly look away when it comes to eye-hand coordination). For years, she’s slaved away in the halls of Academia, performing the strange rites of modern research, and pouring libations of histology-grade ethanol at the feet of the God of Reproducible results. Alas, she realized that in Academia, the inmates run the asylum, and she has forsaken science.

Today, Antoinette writes smut. She intends upon finding a part time local job, but until that happens, she’ll be thinking of new ways to insert tab A into slot B. She enjoys reversing gender roles, playing with old stereotypes, and is currently working on a piece of erotica targeted toward men. In the works are a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and a novelette, The Vampire’s Gallery.

She lives in a crooked little house, with an awesome husband, and a very large dog. She gets in a tizzy every spring and fall when it comes time to plant bulbs. She likes Old House Gardens, a lot (their Twilight tulips, Estella Rijnveld are fantastic, more like fresh blood on the snow than ice cream, way better than reading the books). She also loves bad movies on SyFy (and you know they deliver) and weird things that live on the bottom of the ocean.

For free smut, check out her Literotica page.

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Greetings. I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award: http://wp.me/p2s9cG-8y. Keep being awesome 🙂

  2. If possible I would like to talk to you about self-publishing as i think you do.

  3. I love your smut. Drop me a line if you’d like some info so you can join us for next year’s Coffin Hop. – axelhow@gmail.com

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